Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Boss Factor-a poem by Bhaskar Sodankoor

The Boss Factor

On the runway
Where the aircraft
Leaves the runway
To float in the air
With that extra power
Of the engine,
On the tennis court
Where the player
On the losing run
Suddenly bounces back
With that extra resolution
Of winning,
On the hospital bed
In coma and on the way to no return
Powers his will to live
Rises above
His battered body
And makes a rapid recovery,
On the losing trail
Where the idea of giving up
Overpowers all further endeavors
Blasts and falls into pieces
Beholding the powerful
Rise of faith from the remains,
Under the never ending ambience of
Triumph of evil
Over good
Asserts the undying hope
Powered by the desire
To do the right thing defeating the wrong,
Chased away from the self
On the never ending run
Dog- tired and gasping for breath
Surrenders to the all-pervading presence
Stands up filled with the power
Of spirit over body.
Call it the “Boss Factor”
Or the microchip
Of the Big Boss
Planted inside
Controlling you
And comforting you.

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